Hidden Valley

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The U.S. is run
----- by secret goons,
they don't watch the
------- news on TV,
they are the ones
-------- behind the news,
they don't really like
----------- you.

Fifteen Ways to Look at a Trailer Window

The trailer window is blank.
I see a tree.
A raven flies swiftly by,
close to me
----------- The trailer window is blank.
On the far left upper
corner of the window,
a raven flutters far away.
-----------_ The trailer window is blank.
I see a raven smoothly glide,
left to right.
The trailer window is blank.
It remains blank,
but caws, rivets, and hoots
sound off.
I now see a tree.
----------- --- The trailer window is blank.
A raven's wing faraway,
brushes brushes by the
upper part of the window.
----------- ------ The trailer window is blank.
I am now the raven looking
at the window.
The trailer window is still blank.
I am now the window.


Thick with deer,
whites, brown, spotted,
the lush green grass,
has tiny birds, trees
thick with warm air.
The skies are grey,
thick with tree tops,
a fluttering of wings,
a gentle nestling of deer feet,
upon the lush carpet,
as the sounds of twitterings,
echo in the thickness.

As war and terrorism sweep the world I offer this poem....

Silent Winter

Silent Winter
There is a still, dull and anxious
pool, rippling weakly near the clinging
drops, these grey, overcast branches,
sit silently now atop. That very cold
and cooing gentle breeze, and the
loud muffled car sounds are an anxious
pool of ache today. And the sky breeze
clings to the wet branches, and I know
that this gentle, still cold is finally now
free and safe.

Silence now is

Fogs mist is lost is why
we then wake up, because the
summers move towards their end,
see the seasons drifting , the
mist lifts this sun, silently
drenched in the grey vapors,
yes, the shadows seasons filter in
the seas. yes, below it roars,
gurgles, silence, spray, fine,
foam is finished.
The winds lift the mists,
the silence senses, the damp,
wet, cool, touching, moans,
of the distant shores, now
outward is beyond, those densest
galaxy clouds, erupting, now
these big extra-terrestial lava beds,
see, the heats silences--and the distant
fog mists, hitting the sea,
space, brute beauty has now arisen,
and the battering here is! The sea is
silence now is.


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