Letter to Dongwei: Book movies....

Letter to Dongwei: Book movies....


My later writings are basically art movies in book form. They make just enough sense to let the senses take over. There's adreneline pumping in my books. There's a demolition derby of images. A Disneyland of sound and sight. A visceral roller-coaster that dis-orients and immerses you. It's fun, it's pleasurable. It's a post-modern work. The image torrent feels good and it liberates you.

Even if single lines are duds, the momentum of the book will carry the reader along. But few lines are duds. The narrative, dialogue, and monologue are all delivered at fast speed in order to mimic the speed of the mind.

My Chinese book is basically a block-buster movie which is also designed to be educational for the Chinese masses.

I took Kerouac's book movie ethos to unheard of lengths in Forty Immutable Parables....

I copied Joyce...the great screen-writer of the mind.

SPEED....is harnessed in order to SLOW DOWN. Literary jujitsu....


All contents of this site © Finberg Books by Michael Arthur Finberg