Harvest and Teilhard Visionary Letters 1 & 2

Harvest and Teilhard Visionary Letter 2

Dear Team:

To those who survived part 1 of the Teilhard meditations. Here is part 2.

We are heading towards a world where all is converging. And so as all kinds of diversity converge even richer diversity will come forth from this impending psychic convergence. The sexes will converge more, so will religions, cultures and all kinds of different sentient realms. This massive mega-convergence is really at the heart of all my work. Sentient diversity breeds more and more sentient diversity. and....


Different body organs find their individual meaning when they function fully as a group. In every organized WHOLE the parts reflect, perfect, and ultimately fulfill themselves. No parts lose their personal identity in a great " ALL. " Thus the more they unite with others the more they discover their real individual selves. A system of centers then creates a super center that RADIATES something bigger than the centers individually while not robbing them at all of their power. The center and centers attain simultaneously their maximum potential under an autonomous and supreme union.

When all cultures bring their treasures to the table the synergy between them thus enriches them all. All forms of self-centeredness always rise to this feeling of exclusiveness that refuses to communicate. It just falsely equates individuality with personality by seperating itself as far as possible from others. It isolates itself and finally becomes retrograde driving the world back to de-evolving mental division and crude matter thus diminishing and losing itself. We must converge with others in order to become fuller realized personalities.

Ok, here we go into real controversial material. Teilhard was a Jesuit priest aswell as a scientist. Teilhard felt love was the greatest kind of cosmic energy. It was just the affinity of being with being. All affinities toward real union had love at their center on every conceivable level. Love was the big attractor and super glue of the universe. It immersed itself in the heart of every sentient element. Without universal love only standardization and enslavement was the ultimate future of the planet. Evgueni understands this very well. His understanding of the great poetry of G.M. Hopkins proves Teilhard's point.

Teilhard felt that cosmic love was at the very summit of evolution. It was autonomous, non-corruptible, permanent and totally free and giving....

WW1, WW2, the Cold War, and 9/11 were momentous Teilhardian events global in scope generated by anti-Teilhardian elements. They were Black Stress shocks invoked by White Stress anxieties. A Black and White Stress drama played out on a vast Teilhardian stage. I really Like this image.

All reflective thought is a journey up to the higher chakras. Omega or cosmic love encompassed the march towards greater consciousness. Spirit was the indestructible portion of our universe and it blostered what seemed the most fragile of things....our own individual consciousness. Thus a supreme sentiency drove the world away from entropy and chaos. When consciousness broke through to reflective thought it finally passed from divergence to convergence. Below this was entropy and chaos. Above this a rise to irreversible unity and love. Reflective thought liberated all life elements and accelerated the process of convergence because....


This emerging noogenesis is a platform for a miraculous mirroring that enriches all those who have been united. The rise of consciousness does not stop with the apparent cessation in the growth of our nervous system. Evolution is now in a richer and more complex domain that extends beyond all nations and races. The powerful domain of the collective mind.

Our pursuit of truth has just developed haphazardly. Scientific research has unfortunately been subordinate to increased industrial out-put and more armaments instead of it being used for the investigation of the many urgent problems whose solution would be of vital importance to the world. We can certainly visualize a world of telescopes and atom-smashers. Not bombs and cannons. A world where one gives one's life to know and be rather than to possess. We need to concentrate on the human mind now. We need to see deeper into what consciousness is because....


The more one looks, the more one sees. And thus the more one really knows WHERE to look....including the place for the funds to pay you all....

Today modern science is no longer certain whether what remains in its hands is simply pure energy or thought. This was the insight that hit Neils Bohr and which forced him into conflict with Einstein. Quantum science was on the verge of becoming mind science. Mind science, you see is basically a profound study of human origins, but also a constructive experiment towards the future.

Global pilgrimage and exciting meditation are powerful Teilhardian activities and Harvest explores them fully. Science and religion must find some kind of conjunction. A new synthesis between the two is needed. Harvest definitely explores this unchartered realm....

Since union differentiates, bigger and unanimous unions generate more and more mind power aswell as the triggers to release this big power. This is really a profound insight in a psychic world without borders....the global terrorists and trilateralists are just into coersive unions based on greed and anger. Nothing but low chakra crap. But the more science finally focuses on the human mind the more it will be finally confronted with religion. This is the very same mind process of union through convergence and it will generate even more richer differentiation.

Teilhard was the Columbus of the global mind. Teilhard's ideas are still science fiction for all the current scientific and religious flat-earth believers. One needs a certain imagination and experience to appreciate Teilhard. OOPS! There I go again! I lost my objectivity....

Hyper-globalization. It's all the same mind simply converging in on itself. This mega-convergence will thus generate an even greater kind of psychic variety. Black and White stress will be kept at bay by Omega. By Dharma. Science will out-grow its analytical investigations which characterized its lower and preliminary phases and will then culminate in the realization of some higher state of humanity. Science will become a kind of hyper-science....

Harvest of Gems is a Teilhardian mirroring device in the service of the current planetary convergence. A holy kind of convergence. Harvest really appreciates this mega-threshold of reflective thought now crossing onto a global level. It documents quite dramatically the new differentiation coming out of this convergence with all its new freedoms and anxieties.

Hey, listen all of you. Meditation, prayer, pilgrimage, and art are no longer luxuries for the rich and the eccentric. No. They are absolute necessities in this brave new world of psychic and spiritual convergence. Believe it....we are faced with powerful human vibrations fully resonating in the billions. An entire layer of consciousness bringing pressure to bear symultaneously on the future and on the whole storehouse of millions of years of human thought. These are terribly huge magnitudes and a really monsterous psychic resource. The trilateralists are now putting up ILLUSORY fences in order to keep the " developing " world out of second wave bakyard even as they preach about a global consumption paradise which is basically out of reach for most under the current economic conditions. Complete schizophrenia, yes? But....


Our contemporary minds are reinforcing each other and forming a single mirror. Think about this....all the minds on the planet today have been grouped together to form a super-saturated state. This state has such a quality and intensity to it that the whole of humankind will be compelled to reflect upon itself at a SINGLE POINT. Humankind will be finally forced to translate itself. How wonderful....

The Third Wave is pushing humans in the direction towards a psychic economy which will force all humans towards a less sensate life. Mcluhan saw a crude form of psychic convergence based on the global media. But Teilhard went way beyond this and saw a global mind emerging with vast spiritual possibilities. Not just cultural and psychic ones. McLuhan dismissed Teilhard's vision as pure science fiction. But I beg to differ...could it be the fourth wave? I struggled with this concept while traveling in Asia in 1997-98. Two Short Stories is the result of this mental struggle. OOPS! I am getting a little ahead of the game.

A reflective life needs a higher power. The noosphere could not close in on itself without something like Omega. It's presence is everywhere. All major religions need a deeper meaning and connection to the speedy scientific world that now surrounds us. All religions also need a cosmic extension. The kingdom of Omega is a global family, but it is also a crucial biological and psychic operation.

I made my first global journey in 1980. It was my first Teilhardian venture. I made my second global journey in 1993. It was my second Teilhardian venture, but I was starting to become more conscious of it. I will be making my third global journey in 2003 or 2004. This will then be my third Teilhardian venture and I will be totally conscious of it. From tourist to pilgrim to missionary because....


Saints are super accelerators of this global convergence since they are often founders of true religions and also have vast psychic and spiritual powers that effect the world while they are alive and also long after they are " dead. " They have super minds and vast mirroring powers that speed up the evolutionary process towards Omega. The Messiah concept found in so many religions is a superb example of this spiritual and evolutionary process. Saints are mini-Omegas that really reflect the supreme center in powerful ways.

Cosmic love drives evolution far more than human love. It is a love that is directly plugged into Omega and which thousands of mystics from all religions have experienced. Its intensity has forced many mystics of both sexes to renounce all other ambitions and joys for this supreme joy at the summit of all human evolution. The union of mystical and saintly minds creates a differentiation far more sublime and powerful than any union of human minds. Yet this holy union is felt by all human minds aswell. Indeed, all human minds can always unite with this kind of holy union on some level.

The secret center directs the inner mandala as it spills out into the outer rim with an urgency and intensity that only mind convergence can bring as all levels of the mandala UNIFY. The secret center is felt on ALL levels and is in all corners of the mandala. The personal ascent to the summit of mind is a living and loving act and all religions of the future must fulfill this requirement. Noospheric oriented religions will be the principle axis of future human evolution on the planet. Believe it. All religions exhibit characteristics of a phylum. These evolutionary shoots are now also converging while still retaining their unique personalities. Religions need not fear science nor each other once the idea of psychic and spiritual convergence is understood in an evolutionary context. Get it? 2-ss explores this interesting idea in the RJ, Ajanta, and Bombay chapters because....


You see, all Indian religion is called Bharata Dharma. This concept is an eastern Aryan one and is common to all Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains. The world to the Indians is either order or chaos. There is Dharma when there is order and Adharma when there is chaos. But chaos is always local. It is never global. If it was global all would simply dissolve into nothingness. Thus disorder is local and temporary. Order will then ultimately assert itself. This is the nature of things. This is Omega at work. Harvest reflects the struggle between chaos and order. Spirit and matter, low chakra and high chakra phenomena....

Dharma is a law of the WHOLE and expresses always the right relationship of the parts to the WHOLE. If the whole is not harmonious it will then dissolve. Dharma/Omega hold the cosmos together. They are the glue that holds this mighty organism together....all true religions must maintain a proper cosmic order. A vision of a harmony that staves off total chaos while embracing it locally. Disorder generates psychic blocks and order generates a psychic flows. A spiritual person feels bound to all beings and beingness. A non-spiritual person is an egomaniac who considers everything from his limited view of self-interest. You see, if this attitude was universally adopted there would be only chaos and no cosmos eventually. Selfishness is the root of all disorder and really brings only suffering....

The fruits of good and bad actions are never lost, but they can be delayed and sometimes transformed through grace and accelerated purification. All religions and civilizations must uphold Dharma. Tantra pushes the kundalini up the chakras and is the basis of all Dharma. No saint makes it to the top without some sort of secret Tantric practise. This is a process based on mind science that fully utilizes the energy of the body which is just another form of mind energy " solidified. "

Shakti is this ig mindpower that is the building stuff of the universe. It is the raw material of all cosmic evolution in the Teilhardian sense of the word. Shakti is mind and spirit and it always grows in complexity both physically and psychically. Indeed, is the very fabric of the universe as it weaves its way up towards Omega.

So let's make a final review:

Diversity, unity, and energy are the true Teilhardian triad. More complexity, thus more consciousness. Thus more of the triad on a deeper level. The crush of limited space sprouts new evolutionary buds. They hatch and have more mirroring power. thus sentient incubation leads to more and bigger psychic leaps of complex mind/matter.

Now all the human buds are converging and creating a layer of psychic skin over the planet earth. Thus more of the triad on an even higher level. Isolation and repulsion are bumps on the way to this higher unity. But greater cross-reflection and cross-mirroring will over-power the bumps. These bumps are low chakra phenomena and high chakra awareness through higher and deeper mirroring will thus win the day.

Cosmic love will ensure that higher chakra awareness will win out in the end. This love will speed up all the mirroring and mega-convergence to the point where a gigantic mega-mirror of mirrors will arise and then it will turn in and finally mirror itself even more. Saints have been accelerating this mirroring process and holy differentiation will be the most sublime kind of differentiation yet. It has always been around, but in hidden form in all forms of evolution.

More mind power will be created from greater mind mirroring until the mirroring then ceases and becomes the ultimate mirror of mirrors. Evolution is a meditation that finally ends in enlightenment. It is the final product of this mega-mirroring process....


All contents of this site © Finberg Books by Michael Arthur Finberg