40 Immutable Parables - Lexicon

It's Universal kundalini/Bhubeneswar:

Kundalini: The serpent sleeping at the base chakra which can be aroused through meditation for its ascent up to the crown chakra.

Ketu and Rahu: Two huge astrological demons in Hindu mythology.

Yamantaka: The Lord of Death. One of the most wrathful and powerful deities in both the Indian and Tibetan mythological canon. A very powerful practise. The Tibetan version of yamantaka has a bull's head.

Chamunda: A withered and bloody hag version of Kali. A specialty of Orissa. She is found there everywhere.

Linga-raj: The main Hindu temple complex in Bhubeneswar. Home of Shiva and off-limits to non-Hindus.

King Ashoka: The bloody dictator who united India with the Buddhist religion.

Dauli: Site of a huge massacre by Ashoka and the location of a Buddhist edict carved in stone announcing the main Buddhist tenants.

Kalingas: A civilization Ashoka completely wiped out. This massacre triggered Ashoka's conversion to Buddhism.


Ancient and Extra-terrestrial/Konrak:

Konrak: Site of huge chariot temple once buried under the sand.

Fractals: A new geometry based on a fraction of a dimension. Used to describe chaotic and irregular systems in nature and also in the collective mind. Fractals were applied successfully in the American financial markets by the author.

Finnegan's Wake: James Joyce's linguistic and mythological masterpiece: multiple meanings in every single line using many of the languages of the planet.

Jupiter Symphony: Mozart's last and greatest symphony. An avante garde work which was way ahead of its time.

Gita: India's greatest religious epic. Part of the Mahabharata. A work that is unrivaled in the West.

Collective Time-Travels/Pupashgiri:

Green Tara: A peaceful form of Kali. Extremely popular in Tibet and one of the author's main practices. Indian Green Taras are very voluptuous compared to the stiffer iconic variety found in Tibet.

Guptas: The Indian medieval kingdom which spanned India's greatest age of classical art.

Avalokitesvara: The Indian version of the Tibetan deity of compassion: Chenrezig. The Chinese female version is Kuan Yin which became Kannon in Japan.


It's Just Science Fiction/RJ:

Odiyyana/Shambala: The mythical Buddhist city where Padmasambhava dwells to this day in his copper mountain paradise.

Goshen: Ancient Egypt from where the Israelites began their exodus.

Ranipadra: Another for RJ or Ranipur-Jharial

Big Queens: The 69 dakinis inside the roofless circular temple at Ranipur-Jharial. The temple is the epicenter of RJ. The queens are the guardians to the subtle realms that are invoked by a complex mind science. The author can explain no more.

Gilgamesh: Ancient Mesopotamian hero who came back from a visit to the underworld and who could not save his ally Inkidu from death.

Gaia: The Greek goddess of the Earth.

King Indrabuti: Padmasambhava's father and creator of the Pupashgiri complex.

Laksminkara: King Indrabuti's sister. She was called the crazy princess because of her intense spiritual practices in the local cremation grounds stark naked and in soot. One of the original 84 maha-siddahs or enlightened Tantric adepts of South-Eastern India. Laksminkara is one of the author's favorite female saints.

Vortex Crossroads/Dialing the Harmonic Telephone/Madras:

Dravidian: The original Hindu heartland in Southern India. What is today Tamil Nadhu.


Tributary Winds and Fossils/ Kanchipuram:

Yalis: Lion guardians of the Pallava dynasty of Southern India.

Shakti and Shiva: Indian cosmological terms for the union of male and female. A dualistic and shamanic symbol. A common yabyum term.

Pallavas: The Southern Indian dynasty that triggered one of India's last big artistic renaissances and climaxed in Cambodia and Java.


Secret Omega Square/ Tiruvannamalai:

Arunachala: The sacred fire mountain where the great saint Ramana Maharshi became enlightened. A very powerful place of pilgrimage.

Godhead: Symbol of the absolute and pure consciousness. The prostrate corpse of Shiva on which Kali stands. A symbol for celibates and monastics.

Weird Atlantean E-mail/Ellora:

Padmapani: Another name for Avalokiteshvara and Chenrezig.

Maitreya: The future Buddah not unlike the second-coming of Christ.

Nandi: The sacred bull of Hindu mythology.

Parvati and Shiva, Lakshmi and Vishnu: Sacred consort couples and prime yabyums from Indian mythology.

Rastrakutras: The last dynasty of the Gupta era. The final flowering of Indian medieval art.

Maya: Sanskrit for illusion and also " the devil. " But in a less judgmental way. Maya being closely related to Samsara.

Ganesh: The Hindu elephant god who rides on a rat. The cutter of obstacles to seekers on the path.

Ravanna: The Hindu demon who always causes trouble for the Indian gods both serious and in a slapstick way.

Tirthankaras: Radical Jain renunciates who go about naked and eat almost nothing.

A Telepathic helix/Ajanta:

Mauryan Empire: Ashoka's kingdom.

Vedas: The earliest Hindu scriptures before the Gita and the Upanishads.


The New Age/Harmonic Archipelagos/Calcutta:

Ah, cha, cha: A Bengali equivalent of the Japanese " Ah, so deska " A linguistic signal of understanding and confirmation.

Tagore: India's greatest modern poet and winner of the Nobel prize.


The Journey South/Eating Vortex chips/Danville-Glen Ellen:

TB: Tuberculosis.


An infinity Benedictus/Salinas-Big Sur:

Yuppies: Young Urban Professionals. The vanguard of the digital Third Wave in America. The information elite with its taste for Hondas and cappuccinos.

DJ: Disc Jockey.

Rave: The techno dance wave of the 80's and 90's. A rival to Rap and its landscape. Basically Disco on steroids. 70's escapism amplified with ecstasy the drug of choice. A collective and simulated acid trip. Like all modern popular music it has shamanic over-tones. Rock led to Disco and Disco led to Techno….


The Cold War/Agnus Dei in the Sea:

Tassajara: A famous Yuppie Zen retreat.

Esalen: A famous New Age institute the author spent some time at during the 80's. New psychotherapies and cosmologies were explored here as attempts were made to bridge the gaps between Western science and psychology and various Eastern and shamanic religions. Today Esalen has degenerated into a Yuppie spa/hang-out. Famous people like Governor Jerry Brown of California and Russian President Boris Yeltsin have been hosted here.

Immaculate Heart Hermitage: A stunning Catholic monastery over-looking the Pacific Ocean where the author spent some time during his earlier spiritual pilgrimages in Northern California.


USA and Lucifer/San Fransisco:

Gary Snyder: A Beat Zen poet and friend of Kerouac and Ginsberg.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti: A friend and publisher of various Beat poets and writers. A mediocre poet who was jailed in the 50's on obsenity charges for publishing Beat works.


Stone Age Outer-Space/California:

Gerard Manley Hopkins: English Jesuit poet. His small output insured his reputation as the greatest religious poet in the English language since John Milton.


All contents of this site © Finberg Books by Michael Arthur Finberg